Saturday, August 15, 2009

top 5 things i want in chobots

hey guys
here are the top 5 things i want in chobots and why

5.more of my real life friends-i want more of my real life friends to join because we can talk without any teachers telling us what to do (of course i will get their email so i can invite them and get more bugs ;) )

4.golden ninja mod suit-i always wanted one of these it just looks so cool items i created to become items on chobots-this would be an honor if chobots made my items real

2.a mod friend-i dont have any mod friends so i would like one

1.agent-i always try my best to become an agent but i do not beg because i know someday i will be an agent ;) )

100 post!

hey guys
this is our 100th post!