Monday, August 3, 2009

Silvers out for a bit

Ok silver is out fore a wile so its up to me to lead this blog.Idk if he took his laptop with him soo...
Oh and if silver says IM NOT SILVER IM SEEKER know that im on as him cuz i know his pass he knows mine.NO were no hackers were bff in real life.So yeah Silvers out for a bit.

Pg info

Hey its seeker

Lets start with some Pg info:

Pg is Seeker52's only mod buddy

Pg has kids so maby more than one

Pg's kids are hooked on strawberry shortcake

Pg has her own web sight

Pg is becomeing my good buddy

Pg has been to my house on chobots

if you have any Qs comment

im going to maryland

hey guys
im going to baltimore maryland
i will be away for 3 days i think
so i will not be posting on this blog
cya when i get back!

p.s. i think seeker is going to south carolina so he wont post either
if u see me on chobots seeker is going on as me

Poll news

Hey dose any one find it odd if I get a vote silver is half ahead of me?Something smells funny to me...